Friday, September 6, 2013


One of my wise classmates said, "dental school is just like final's week. Except it's final's week EVERY WEEK." With that said, I'm done with my exams for the week! In sim clinic, we took alginate impressions on each other and created a mold. I will upload pictures once I mount it with the proper alignment of my jaw next week. I also worked on composite and amalgam restorations (aka fillings) on the posterior teeth. It was really cool to work with my hand pieces again and drill into teeth. I'm beginning to realize what a different 1mm makes..between enamel&dentin to dentin&pulp. Look at my fillings on the maxillary & mandibular second molars. My amalgam didn't turn out as great because I overcontoured it and I didn't burnish (make it shiny) it at this point. After our exams, a few of my classmates hosted a korean bbq night. It was a smashing success (surprisingly, since everyone was so tired after a 12 hour day) and we continued the night playing card games and reminiscing about our college days. This weekend will be a lot of catching up on sleep and reading for next week. I think I'll update this blog mostly on Fridays and Sundays when I have a bit of free time. Special thanks to Dmitriy for making my week with a care package! :) :) :)

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