Sunday, December 8, 2013


FINALS SEASON I cannot wait to go home again in 1.5 weeks. I know it sounds silly since I was JUST home a week ago, but I really really miss home. I've never thought about leaving California until now. When I was in Jersey, I was happy as a bee. I LOVED NYC (maybe not Newark as much) but I absolutely embraced everything I experienced in that magical place. Yeah, I was also stressed about classes, but I spent a lot of weekends in the city and don't really think about California. Sure, I miss it in the back of my mind, but I REALLY REALLY miss home when I'm in Florida. Maybe it's because of the lack of activities or things to do? Maybe it's hit me that I'll be here for four years instead of just 8 months? Whatever it is, I don't like it. I can't help where I will be and I need to come to terms with it. Now, back to studying for finals. I'm excited for my Europe trip with R in two weeks! My third continent (Asia, North America)!

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