Monday, February 28, 2011


So I've been succeeding in #5 of my goals of living minimally until this past week. I'm too stressed NOT to online shop or buy lots of junk food. At the rate I'm splurging, I will have no savings whatsoever by end of the semester. The uncertainties of life have caught up with my wandering mind and I was too occupied worrying instead of doing. Now, I've recovered from the initial shock/burden and will move forward to midterms, applications, and DATs. Perhaps I should update my blog more as well...we'll see.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I've begun making new year's resolutions and will check back in 6 months to see my progress

1. Put myself in a good position to apply for dental school
+Better DAT scores
+Better GPA
+Something to make me stand out as a nontraditional applicant
2. Know what I am doing after graduation, whether postbac program or work
3. Take better care of myself (physically,emotionally, and spiritually)
4. Be a better person/friend/family member
5. Truly learn to manage finances (live the ideals of a minimalist)

Five very important goals I want to accomplish...let 2011 be a productive year!